Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pop Quiz

Sharpen your pencils (figuratively speaking), boys & girls. Even though it's summer your education is still of paramount importance. Enter your educated guesseses and I'll let you know...sooner or later...if you were correct.
1. What is the popcorn ceiling texture stuff made out of?
2. What is xeriscape and where did it come from?
3. What central Florida city had pea-sized hail yesterday?
4. What is hotter than riding a motorcycle in July in Florida at 9 AM?

So, take your best shot and let me know...


bob said...

1. Popcorn ceiling texture is made of gypsum and crushed Styrofoam, and was most popular between the 1950's and the mid 1980's, and was popular for being acoustically deadening; however, due to changes in trends it is no longer popular, and can even be negative for property values.
2.Xeriscaping refers to landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation. It is promoted in areas that do not have easily accessible supplies of fresh water. The word Xeriscaping was coined by combining xeros (Greek for "dry") with landscape. XeriscapeTM and the xeriscape logo are registered trademarks of Denver Water, the City of Denver's Water Department. They were created by the Front Range Xeriscape Task Force of Denver Department in 1978.
3. As far as I can tell, hail up to an inch in diameter fell just West of Orange County, Florida. So in the Orland area... speaking of hail, we had some today too!
4. my answer:

(oh, what do I win??)

MLE said...

Somebody's got too much time on their hands! I knew the xeriscape one, but Bob stole my thunder on all the others. I was going to create some creative answers.
4. Riding a motorcycle in July in Florida at 10 AM?

Gayle and Rob said...

Ah, BJ, it's amazing what Wikipedia can learn you! While your #4 was technically correct, in actuality, Emily was a little closer to what I was thinking. I took a trip to Office Max at 9 am on Thursday and went to Home Depot at 1 pm. 1 pm was much hotter; sitting at a light at 1 pm was even more hot. And you win my approbation!

Katie said...

Show off.

I was going to say "hell" for #4.