Monday, July 16, 2007


I was working on the yard this afternoon, cutting grass and trimming bushes. I spent some time in the back yard and when I came back to the front to clean up, I noticed that my power washer was gone. I keep it close to the front of the garage, near the door along the wall. The hose that connects the spray wand with the pump is still hanging on its hook farther in the garage. So I made a report to our Neighborhood Watch and the Orlando Police Department. This machine was less than 3 years old, a Sears Craftsman 3.5 hp power washer. I can't remember when I saw it last...not the kind of thing I use every week. We keep our garage door shut. Someone came by and grabbed our washer right out of the garage. Brazen move. I am angry, upset, and hoping that the degenerate who ripped us off wakes up at night with sweats and nameless fears, is smitten by guilt, and has a conversion experience. God will judge. If, by some unlikely chance, the police catch the thief, I will prosecute.


Katie said...

Ouch. How much do those things cost?

Gayle and Rob said...

It was over $100. I had a call from an OPD dectective today. He confirmed the serial number and was going to check local pawn shops. I have little hope of recovery...and I'm paranoid about closing the garage door now. Talking w/ neighbors: found out that this happens rather frequently around here.