Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Two New Lifers

It's my turn to update the blog - have a few pictures from our trip to Canaveral Seashore last Friday. I found two new shells that I hadn't had before. However, one I can't positively identify yet and the other one is not complete, but enough to know it was a Scotch Bonnet. I don't think it was common on the Gulf Side, but we found two half shells on the Atlantic side.

We also encountered a slow moving land turtle by the car. He hissed at us when we got too close and then crawled away into the bushes.

Did a fun project with my students today - we made an "I Spy" book. They worked with a partner, found all kinds of "stuff" around the classroom and composed a "collection" . Then they wrote five or six sentences like "Find the red bear," or "I spy a yellow balloon." I printed them up tonight and will get them laminated and bound tomorrow. They all worked hard for over an hour on it - here's one example:

1 comment:

bob said...

I think that's a gopher tortise, an endangered animal, so it was probaly good you left him alone... pretty cool though to actually see one that big and close up!