Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Bonanza

I have a billbergia saundersii that I bought from Tropifloral over a year ago. I had a beautiful flower shortly after I bought it, and then I had two new pups form. Those two pups flowered this week. The bad news is that billbergias seem to flower for just a short time; good news is that they are spectacular! If you look closely you can see the two pink sheaths on the plant sides of the flowers.

I "hard cultured" the saundersii in my lattice house and it seemed to like it. Only problem was when I wanted to bring the plant inside, I had to flood out the frog living in the bottom of the plant vase! He wasn't too happy, but I think he got over it. I put my billbergia Hallelujah in the lattice house, which gave Mr. Frog a new home. I'm also hoping that the hard culture outside will get my Hallelujah in gear with a flower.

We also have two gift (that means I
don't know their names!)
orchids from students blooming in the house right now. Not bad, huh? Happy Thanksgiving!


Katie said...

What does "hard culture" mean?

Gayle and Rob said...

You leave the bromeliad outside as much as possible. The elements do their work on the leaves, roots, & whole system and bring out the color, mottling, etc. and give the plant a very different look from what it would be like if it had a cushy life inside the house.

bob said...

I can't wait to see them in a few weeks... I hope a few are still blooming!