Sunday, June 08, 2008

School's Out!

Friday was the last of two in-service days; we had the students for the last time on Wednesday. We had some wonderful days...the end of the year parties were amazing! We have some very generous parents who can get really creative. GB and I are spending a week at a condo on the beach in New Smyrna, FL. It was arranged so we could do that over our 35th wedding anniversary, which was really thoughtful! GB also received anniversary wine glasses (along with 2 bottles of wine), a monogrammed tote bag, a gift certificate to a restaurant in New Smyrna, as well as gift certificates to Barnes & Noble and Joann Fabric. Yes, the parents really appreciated GB's hard work with their children this year! My 5th graders enjoyed an end-of-elementary celebration at a local park. We had games, food, pictures, and more food. And they were very generous in saying thank you to me, also.
Last Friday evening we had a date night with George & Linda Bruneau from church. the Henry Leu Gardens sponsors this every other month during the summer. We took our picnic suppers and set up on a large lawn with about 200 others. After sunset, we watched Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster in Maverick. No mosquitoes either! We got home after 11:30 Pm but it was great fun. We fell into bed, tired and ready for summer.
One of the problems with falling into bed tired is that I was not in my end of the day routine. GB got up early Saturday and started the laundry, and I got ready to take the car in for an oil change. I couldn't find my cell phone, and realized that I had left it in the pocket of my cargo shorts...the ones that were currently in the washing machine. #@%^!!! Water and phones just don't mix. So I had to get a new phone. The good news was that we were almost to the end of a two year contract period; I signed up again just a few weeks early and got a new phone free. What a deal!


Katie said...

Wow. That's a lot of loot. And stuff you can actually use - I got a basket full of stuff to make soup once. !?!?!?

Hope you have fun at the beach! Would that be like the second honeymoon the Berenstain Bears took?

B said...

Yippee for the end of the year! I'm always amazed at how your kids and parents show you their gratitude. Comforting to know you're in the right place, huh? As far as the cell phone goes, I know what you mean! I have my own "after work" routine of emptying my pockets. Many a time I've found empty med vials or alcohol pads in the dryer. Oops.

Gayle and Rob said...

Sometimes the affluence of our families is almost embarrassing. However, their willingness to share is wonderful, and your mom & I do work hard to make school a special experience for the kids and their parents. I think that having gone through all of the stages of children's growth and now at the grandparent stage gives us some insight that we just did not have when we were younger, and most parents sense and appreciate it. Anyway, it seems to be working. And we, in turn, share with our friends and family! So we all benefit...
I don't remember the Berenstain bears second honeymoon story, Katie, but we are really looking forward to our week at the beach. I want to get at least one sunrise picture and sample the local color and food, as well as spend a good part of every day on the sand and in the waves!