Thursday, June 12, 2008

First Week of Summer

We have had rain almost every day this week, and enough so our rain sensor turned off the sprinkler system this morning. 9/10 inch yesterday evening will do that!
My new bamboo culms are like rockets. The Asian Lemon is over eight feet tall, and my Black Timor (not even four weeks old) is more than 8.5 feet skyward. Amazing stuff...
GB and I rode the bike to school today. We both had a few things to do and it was such a nice morning to ride! GB is now in Sanford at a quilt shop searching for fabrics for a 2009 wedding quilt done in Bargello. I have no idea what will come of this, but I have a hunch that it will be spectacular. (Just saw the 20 colors -- all I can say is, "Wow!")
We continue to meet on Wednesday evenings with our three young Christians - supper together and then a couple of hours of Bible study. We're working through a series of seven lessons on a Christian world and life view using an overview GB got to know at Providence Christian School in Cape Coral. It's a great way to cover the big ideas - who is God, who am I, where am I, what's wrong, what's the remedy, how do I know? Our friends are not bashful about asking questions, which makes both of us grateful for the good grounding in the faith that we have had.
Sean McKenna is coming for supper tonight. His wife Vanessa and 2 yr old son Jonathan are in Mexico visiting Vanessa's family so Sean is batching. GB had compassion on him...

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