Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bowling Green Tires

This week Wednesday, Jeff Hague (computer teacher at TCS) and I made good on our TCS auction offering and took six 5th graders Bowling With the Big Boys. The really good stuff was we got out of school in the middle of the day to do this. No one got over 110 -- not even Jeff or me -- but we had a great time. The boys were good, enjoyed a hot dog & fries for lunch, and we were back in time for the kids to go to Spanish class. They were not happy about that last little thing! We were just too punctual!
Next week we have to give our classes the SATs. This has got to rank toward the top of the most boring things to do as a teacher. School practice is that we do not give any homework, so any teaching time has to be with in-class practice of concepts only. I know that ability tests are necessary...but I don't like doing it!
I spent a couple of hours today cutting the grass, edging the lawn, and weeding in the back yard. I wish I could record the mockingbirds who serenaded me while I was outside working, or capture the perfume of the Confederate Jasmine that's blooming along the driveway. That would be an excellent blog! The variegated ginger is just starting to put out blooms; you can see one waxy white cluster on the end of a stem toward the left of the ginger clump. The pinkish/reddish plants in front of the window are Fire & Ice hibiscus; the sun was on them, so they seem a little more intense than they actually are. As I was working, I noticed that one of my bromeliads, an aechmea bracteata Rubra, was beginning to bloom. You can see from the inflorescence that it's bracted and has red sheaths -- hence the name. This plant will get small red flowers and then seeds on the ends of those bracts, which are very stiff. And if you look at the second picture, you can see why I keep this plant in a back corner away from traffic! It is a wonderfully unusual plant, but it has really nasty 1/4" spines on the leaf edges.
This past Thursday on the way to school I heard a small pop, like I ran over a packing bubble. Didn't think much of it until I got ready to leave in the afternoon and found out that my back tire was a bit flat. I was able to ease my way home and then found that I had picked up a staple, the kind you use to hold Romex up. I made an appointment with the bike shop on Saturday morning and rode to school with GB on Friday. This morning I tried to pump up the tire, but apparently the staple had done a really good job of messing with the inner tube -- no go. So I called a towing company that specializes in motorcycles and they got me to the bike shop on time. For $91! Man, am I glad I have towing coverage with my insurance! Turns out that the tires were getting on up in the miles and showing wear, so I now have a new inner tube and two new tires. They look good and ride well. I hope that I've seen the last of the flats for a long while...
We're off to the new Orlando IKEA this evening. Time to go exploring!

1 comment:

MLE said...

I totally understand that new tire thing -- AND complete thankfulness for towing service included in insurance. Hope these new ones run smoothly for a really long time for you!