Monday, January 01, 2007

Garden Additions

I made some changes to the yard over vacation. Gayle gave me a staghorn fern (upper right) which I hung on a hanger on the laurel oak in the back yard. I have a fern hanging from the same tree -- had it in Ft. Myers and it even survived Hurricane Charley! It is very large and was still in its plastic container. I was afraid that it would crack the plastic hanger that was attached to the pot so I got a new, sturdier pot and hanger. I was amazed at the weight and the root system. I had to smash the plastic pot to remove most of it; I was able to split the plastic rim but the woody root system of the fern kept me from getting it all. I'm guessing that it weighs about 20 pounds.

We took Bob and Emily to Lukas Nursery last Friday and Gayle and I saw a beautiful pink camellia there. It was a japonica camellia called Pink Perfection. I went back and bought it on Saturday! It's on the lower left -- what do you think? Is it not perfection itself? I planted it in the front next to our pink hibiscus, under one of our front yard laurel oaks. It's a little hard to see in the picture above; it's right in line with the tree trunk. Camellias like shade, so I think the location will work well. Our back yard camellia is a double flower and is in full flower right now (bottom).


Katie said...

The new camellia looks like the one we have - pretty!

Shirley & Paul said...

You are just trying to make us Michiganders jealous! Beautiful flowers. Everything is dormant here.....although you can see the buds setting on trees and bushes for next year! And did you see G.R. in the national spotlight today? We need more leaders from such humble, simple beginnings...!

B said...

Looks great, Dad! Can't wait to see it in person in another month!