Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fall Comes to Florida

Even if it only means that we have the air off and the windows open, Fall has arrived - at least for a few days. The sounds from outdoors and fresh air smells are about the only indicators - but I was surprised at how just that much creates a different feeling, a changed atmosphere. I guess I have to grab at any little thing to experience seasons here. My assistant gave me a pumpkin scented candle and on the note it said "We can pretend." Working outside is much more pleasant so Rob made some plans to fix up the backyard a bit. The grass back there never did recover after Hurricane Charlie and he's looking for more shade for some bromeliads. We're hoping to paint the house this year. Maybe we can get some help from Bob (?) when he comes home at Christmas. We've been looking at paint chips - most folks in the neighborhood have gone to darker colors recently instead of the Florida pastels. I'm ready to get rid of the "pink". Here's a few pictures of my students at the Green Meadows Farm and Pumpkin Patch this past week. We had beautiful weather and plenty for them to explore and enjoy. They especially liked the horseback rides and holding the baby chicks.


bob said...

three words for you: Va Ca Tion
If I'm not dead from trying to do everything this semester (which at this point is a distinct possibility) I'll think about assisting... remember however, I'm averaging 70 hour work weeks, with class, homework, studio time, and work for pay. I'm already exhausted and the semester is only half over. This has been the most difficult week of the last few years, and its only Wednesday.

bob said...

By the way, thanks for the bunket and cookies, and bread... it has made things berable.

Anna said...

Sounds gorgeous down there. We had a beautiful day ourselves up here. We went on a hike and got off the trail a little and had some fun finding our way back!