Sunday, October 30, 2005

Florida Fall, Wild Wilma, Cute Cids!

So, a little poetic license on the "kids", but since I already have to explain why Toys R Us can make their r's backwards, why not? Hurricane Wilma left us with wonderful temperatures, low humidity and our first opportunity to turn off the air since last May. Of course one of my students came to school with MITTENS! on Tuesday, but we'll forgive her for that. At least we finally got to color in a square on the weather graph that says "cold". I tell the kids they can't color in one of those until they actually wear a jacket to school - so this week we had four squares in the cold column and 16 matching TCS fleece jackets half of which had no names on the tags because the mothers don't remember that everyone has the same jacket and by10am all the jackets are on the floor or trying to hang on the backs of the chairs and we have a mess to see whose is whose when we hang them in the hall at recess!! (Diagram that one, Emily!) Since Monday was a hurricane day and Tuesday was the Pumpkin Patch trip and Friday was dress-up day and parade around the school and the teacher had a cold and couldn't talk on Wednesday and Thursday it seemed like nothing got accomplished! Add to that a birthday treat with that fluffly mile-high frosting that gets on your nose because you have to take a bite in the middle, and a "decorate your pumpkin cookie with icing and sprinkles" activity at the Fall party and there's no way the wee ones are going to settle down! We had a fun week in spite of all that. The kids did some great creative writing with rhyming patterns, counted 530 seeds in our pumpkin and did all sorts of "pumpkin math", but I'm hoping for a more stable week ahead.


Katie said...

And mom gets the prize this week for most run-on sentences that need to be read 4 times to understand!

MLE said...

True, Kate. However, I'm just glad she's writing. Keeping up with my blog kind of fell the way of everything else in my life during my 7 day antibiotic-induced depression. I quit now--still waiting to hear from the doctor if I'm going to die, but boy do I feel better! I even graded a paper or two today; haven't done that in two weeks. Things might be looking up!