Thursday, March 06, 2008

A Little Travel

We drove down to Hutchinson Island / Nettles Island on Sunday and visited with Uncle Hank & Aunt Marideen. It was a beautiful day, travel was easy for the 2 plus hours on the road, and we had a great time with the relatives. GB and I walked on the beach for the first time in a long, long while. We even found a few shells! There was quite a breeze from the east and a number of Men-of-War were tossed up on the beach. The ocean was a beautiful blue-green color, the waves were wonderful, and the water temp was not-too-bad! We even got a little sunburned! (Thought that the GB / Aunt Marideen picture was appropriate - did you ever see Aunt Marideen talk without moving her hands?)
On Tuesday we (middle school math teacher Rich Magee and I) took 26 TCS kids to the Christian Schools of Florida math competition in Tampa. We fielded two teams -- a middle school team and an elementary team of 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders. It was held at Cambridge Christian School and 5 Central Florida Christian schools participated. We had a coach that had 47 seats, so we had 15 parents join us. We left just after 7 AM and were back at school before 3 PM. The middle school team took fourth place, but my elementary team was the 2nd place team! We had practiced weekly for the past 7 weeks and it was good to see all of that hard work pay off!

1 comment:

B said...

How cool are those jellyfish!? I remember what a nice time we had with Uncle Hank and Aunt Merideen last year - glad you could do it again!