Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Empty Suitcase -- We're Home!

We were grateful to be able to swing up to Michigan last Monday. We went to the funeral of Gayle's dear Uncle Elmer Monday afternoon. Elmer Meiste was a saintly 81 and God called him home as he slept. He will be missed!
Last Tuesday morning we visited Mom & Art one more time. Mom took us to see Aunt Bea also. We were glad to have this unanticipated short visit also. After leaving Jenison we headed southeast toward Maryland. We planned on staying overnight in the Pittsburgh area, but had not factored in the US Open golf tournament. We ended up traveling another hour to Somerset in central PA and stayed there overnight. We went to Gettysburg and spent about 3 hours at the Civil War battlefield memorial...could have spent much more time there! I took many pictures, with one eye on my 5th grade social studies curriculum. It's a challenge to make an historical event more than 140 years old become real to 10 year olds.
Got in to Berwyn Heights, MD late afternoon on Wednesday and enjoyed 4 days with the kids and grandkids. Luke is still enjoying books, trucks, his little pool in the backyard, and an occasional roughhouse with Grandpa. Erin has grown dramatically since we saw her in April. She likes to sit up, holds her head up well, and even stands while we hold her. She is beginning to coo and is a happy little girl. We were delighted to witness Erin's baptism Sunday morning. Dr. Clark did an excellent job and Erin was bright-eyed and alert the whole time. While he talked about God's promises, Dr. Clark held her and walked around the congregation. Luke walked with them!
We left for home Monday morning; I-95 was actually rather kind this time. No problems, traffic moved well, and we got to Savannah, GA Monday evening. We arrived home around noon Tuesday. The Camry ran well, got around 33 mpg for the trip, and traveled 5150 miles in 23 days. We thank God for His providence and care!
Some more pictures for your enjoyment...


MLE said...

GREAT pictures! I love the one with dad and Erin--she's so cute! And the whole family at the bottom is really nice as well. Glad you're home safely!

Katie said...

I forgot to have you make a CD of your pictures before you left - can you send me one? I hadn't seen the one of Dad & Luke in the hammock yet. I like it!

Shirley & Paul said...

Thankful for your safe travels.....and for the neat pictures. Really nice picture of you two and the kids and grand-kids. They will grow up too quickly!
It is Mike and Lynda's 20th Anniversary today! Can you believe it!

bob said...

I think my favorite is the hammock... too cute!