Saturday, February 14, 2009

Start the Week-end!

Gayle and I had one of those really really busy weeks. On Monday GB had a dinner with last year's quilt guild board. We had a Kdgn - 5th grade meeting after school on Tuesday, and our small group Bible study on the book of James Thursday evening. We had two practices for our Grandparents' Day program during the school day on Monday and Thursday, and Grandparents' Day on Friday. We both had Valentine's parties with our classes on Thursday afternoon. It was great to meet the students' grandparents and special friends after the program on Friday, and it was great to say adios to the kids at noon. We did have to stay and work in our rooms Friday afternoon, but we both have the coming week taken care of, so that was good.
So, how to decompress after an intense week? I had gotten us tickets to Cirque du Soleil's La Nouba, which performs year round at Downtown Disney. We went to the 6 PM show and it was and hour and a half of non-stop amazing entertainment. We laughed, clapped, shouted, said "How did they DO that?". It was funny, heart-stopping, weirdly wonderful. The physical acrobatic control of these performers is astounding. At times, I thought that the sets were like M.C. Escher's drawings come to life. Here is the web site for La Nouba; there is a video clip you can watch to at least get a taste of what we enjoyed... Youtube also has several videos; the one with the three little Chinese girls performing is outstanding!
So, today is a stay at home and get stuff done around the house kind of day. We had a little more frost damage with the second wave of actual freezing temps last week, but nothing that can't be trimmed and grow back. We hope to go out for breakfast on the cycle on Monday -- thank you, Mr. Presidents for a vacation day!